Sunday, 29 May 2016

CABG Surgery in India

Minimally Invasive Surgery in India

With the advanced surgical techniques and equipment heart surgeons are able to perform the CABG Surgery in India in a less painful way. These types of procedures are known as Minimally Invasive procedures. Minimally Invasive Surgery in India may include a small incision and avoid the surgery through the heart-lung machine. 

For some patients, the heart surgeons may decide to do the Minimally Invasive Surgery in India is appropriate. Minimally Invasive Surgery in India is a procedure which is often done on a beating heart or through the small incision. 

Unlike the conventional surgery, which require the 10"-12" incision and places the patient on the heart-lung machine, however, with the approach of new Minimally Invasive Surgery inIndia avoid placing the patient on a heart-lung machine, and can perform the surgery through 3"-5" incision which are placed between the ribs, or may be done with several small incisions. "Keyhole" or "endoscopic" bypass procedures, which are still in development, and performed through small incisions measuring 1"-2" wide.

CABG Surgery in India is a safe and effective surgery to treat the symptoms of the coronary artery disease. CABG Surgery in India is a procedure which reroutes the blood around a blockage in the coronary artery and creating an important and alternative path for blood to deliver the nutrients and oxygen to the heart muscles. 

Minimally Invasive Surgery in India have the same benefits as a conventional bypass surgery which restore the adequate blood flow and deliver the oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscles. MinimallyInvasive Surgery in India has an additional advantage for the heart surgeons to work on a beating heart or through smaller incisions.

1.    Patients with the Minimally Invasive Surgery in India experience less pain and also have a better ability to breathe deeply after the surgery so that they discharged from the hospital in 2 to 3 days as it takes 5-10 days for discharge after having the conventional CABG surgery in India.
2.    In Minimally Invasive Surgery in India, the heart surgeons avoid the use of the heart-lung machine and use the smaller incisions which may reduce the risks of future complications such as stroke and renal failure so that patients can resume their normal activities within 2 weeks rather than the typical 6 to 8 weeks with conventional surgery.
3.    The blood which is removed from the body and put into the heart-lung machine; the patient must be put on anticlotting medications or given "blood products". These artificial circuits such as the heart-lung machine can also damage blood cells and also affect the blood's ability to clot after surgery. By avoiding the heart-lung machine can alleviate the patient’s blood trauma.
4.    A smaller incision means less exposure and handling of tissue, which may reduce the chances of infection.
5.    The Minimally Invasive Surgery Cost in India is approximately 25% less than the cost of conventional surgery.

If you are looking for the surgery which can be performed while your heart is beating than Minimally Invasive Surgery inIndia is the best surgery. For more information send us details at

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Best Surgery for Heart- CABG Surgery

CABG Bypass Surgery in India

CABG Bypass Surgery in India is a procedure which is used to treat the coronary artery disease. CABGBypass Surgery in India is a most common surgical procedure which incorporates diverting blood around the clogged arteries of the heart. The success rate of CABG Bypass Surgery in India is around 99%.

The arteries bring blood to the heart muscles also known as coronary heart disease (CHD). Coronary heart disease is a disease where a fatty substance builds up in the heart which is known as plaque. The formation of plaque can slow down or stop the flow of blood flowing through the blood vessels which may result in chest pain or heart attack. If the blood flows to the heart muscles increased it can help to reduce the chest pain and also reduces the chances of heart attack.
CABG Bypass Surgery in India is only the heart surgery which improves the quality of the life and reduces the symptoms of the patient suffering from Coronary heart disease.

a)    On-Pump Surgery: This is a procedure where heart surgeon will open the chest bone, stop the patient’s heart and put the patient on the heart-lung machine. During the CABG Bypass Surgery in India, this heart-lung machine helps to take over the function of the patient’s heart and deliver oxygenated blood throughout the body and brain.
b)    Off-Pump Surgery: With the help of this new procedure, the off-pump method which eliminates the need for the heart surgeon to stop the patient’s heart and place the bypass surgery. The heart surgeon operates directly while the heart of the patient is beating; it reduces the risk of the preoperative bleeding and the stroke which is associated with the on-pump surgery procedure. Selection of the off-pump surgery totally depends on the health condition of the patient.

India is a place where most of the heart hospitals have the team of dedicated healthcare professionals who have international recognition in the field of research, diagnosis and treating the coronary artery bypass graft. These are the best hospitals of India which offer you a cutting-edge treatment for different cardiac disorders. Most of the hospitals in India have heart and vascular specialists who are widely known for their surgical skills.

India is the country which has the cost-effective medical tourism destination for all the people around the world. CABG surgery cost in India is very low as compared to the cost of the similar procedure charged in other developing countries. Even after adding the cost of travel and accommodation, the CABG surgery cost in India can result up to 70 to 80% of cost saving. India is a country which gives you the opportunity to have high class surgical and medical treatments which include coronary artery bypass graft surgery at low cost.
For more information on the CABG BypassSurgery in India or CABG surgery cost in India send us your queries at

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Valve Repair Surgery in India

Valve Repair Surgery India

Blood that flows between the different chambers of the heart must flow through the heart valve. Blood that flows out of the heart into the large arteries must flow through a heart valve. These valves should be open enough so that the blood can flow through the heart valves easily. During the Valve Repair Surgery in India, one or more valves are repaired or replaced. After the Valve Repair Surgery in India, the valves are starting working properly. The procedure of the Valve RepairSurgery India depends on which valve is damaged. The most common valves are to be repaired are Tricuspid and Mitral.  The patients in large percentage with the mitral valve damaged have successful Valve Repair Surgery in India.

Why did the Valve Repair Surgery India require?

The people may need the Valve Repair SurgeryIndia if their valves are not working properly. 

    A Valve which is not closed all the way will allow the leakage of blood to backward which is known as Regurgitation.
    A valve which is not fully opened will limit the forward flow of blood is known as Stenosis.
The person required the Valve Repair SurgeryIndia due to the following reasons:
    If your heart valve is affected which cause the major heart symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, fainting spells, or heart failure.
    Tests show the changes in your heart valve which affect your heart function seriously.
    If your heart valve is damaged due to the infection in your heart valve.
    In past, you had the Valve Repair Surgery India, however, your heart is not working properly or you have other problems such as blood clots, infection, or bleeding.
The main aim of the Valve Repair Surgery inIndia is to cure the problem of your life by restoring the function of your heart valves, whether they are damaged or diseased.

The surgeons of heart surgery try their best to repair the valve and preserve a person’s own tissue in their heart. However, if the tissue of the heart is too damaged then your heart surgeon will advise you to undergo for the valve replacement and this is done by using the heart of another human being.The majority of the valve tightness can be relieved during a procedure which is known as balloon valvuloplasty. It is done as part of a cardiac catheterization and has less invasive than general surgery or open heart surgery.

A Valve Repair Heart Surgery Cost in India very reasonable as compared to other developing countries because the labour is in India is at low cost, low administrative overhands, and low malpractice insurance costs. The difference in the price has led many uninsured and underinsured patients to explore affordable alternatives overseas.
India is a country which offers an affordable hospital for cardiac procedures such as Valve Repair Surgery in India, valve replacement surgery etc. by using modern and latest techniques at an affordable price.

If you are looking for your Valve RepairSurgery in India send us your detailed medical history at  

Monday, 2 May 2016

Surgery for Heart Transplant

Heart Transplant Surgery in India

A Heart Transplant Surgery in India is done by the heart surgeons to remove the diseased heart of a person with the healthy heart from the donor.  The Heart Transplant Surgery in India mainly for those people who are on the last stage of the heart failure. 

Heart failure is a condition where the heart of patient becomes weak or damaged. The result of heart failure is that it cannot pump the enough blood to meet the need of the patient’s body. The last stage of heart failure means the condition of the patient is very severe that all other treatments are failed except Heart Transplant Surgery in India. 

Surgeons recommend the Heart Transplant Surgery in India to the patient as it is a lifesaving surgery for the patient who is at the last stage of the heart failure. Due to the shortage of the heart donors, the patients who need heart transplants go through a careful selection process.
Most of the patients referred to have the Heart Transplant Surgery in India by their doctors as they are on the last stage of the heart failure. The reason due to which heart failure caused is as follows:
    Coronary heart disease.
    Hereditary conditions
    Viral infections of the heart
    Damaged heart valves and muscles.  The heart valves and
muscles of the heart can be damaged due to consumption of alcohol,
pregnancy, and certain other medicines.

The heart surgeons recommend the Heart Transplant Surgery in India to the patients who have severe end stage of the heart failure, but the heart of the patient should be healthy enough for the Heart Transplant Surgery in India. 

A Heart Transplant Surgery in India takes approximately 4-5 hours and performed under the general anaesthesia, it can be done through two methods – (i) Open Heart Surgery and (ii) Beating Heart Surgery. The difference between both the surgeries is the usage of Heart-Lung Bypass Machine. In open heart surgery, the general anaesthesia is given to the patient and bypasses all the blood of the patient’s heart through the heart-lung machine to maintain the level of the oxygen in the blood and also make sure that the blood supply should be properly passed to other vital organs. In the new technique of Beating Heart Surgery, the blood is not bypassed and while the heart is beating the heart surgeons operate the heart. This procedure is difficult; however, it is more beneficial in terms of complications arising out of the usage of Heart-Lung Machine.
If you are looking for the Heart Transplant Surgery in India, then please send us your detailed medical history at and our representative will contact you shortly with all the relevant details regarding the Heart Transplant Surgery in India procedure.

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